Why Are You Afraid of the Dark?

people are petrified of plenty of different things but maybe no fear is more terrifying than the dark but why what causes us to be so afraid of the dark let's find out of questions lots of common fears come from a bad experience like

Why Are You Afraid of the Dark?

Why Are You Afraid of the Dark?

people are petrified of plenty of different things but maybe no fear is more terrifying than the dark but why what causes us to be so afraid of the dark let's find out of questions lots of common fears come from a bad experience like being afraid of dogs after getting a bad bite but others like

the fear of the dark are more universal more basic and more ancient to this day experts are still trying to determine why nyctophobia is so common all across the globe many believe it has less to do with the darkness and more to do with night time and the unknown you see it's not so much the darkness itself that's spooky it's all the unknown and unexpected dangers that could be lurking hidden in the dark it's hard for a human to spot a threat in the dark especially when many predators in the wild can see well at night for most of human history people had to take extra precautions at night to make sure they weren't attacked by an unseen creature prowling nearby one of the biggest precautions we learned was a natural fear of the dangerous unpredictable dark that healthy fear kept us safe during nighttime hours in the wild being afraid means you're extra aware and extra vigilant so being afraid of the dark became an advantage for those sensible enough to be scared of course nowadays there's not nearlyas many reasons for us to fear the darkness

 most of us fall asleep every night safely tucked into a bed inside a house where night brawling predators can't reach yet the fear seems to be permanently imprinted into our subconscious and seems to be especially strong in kids that's because kids have extra active imaginations which allow them to imagine all sorts of strange dangers that could go bump in the night so why are you afraid of the dark because your ancestors figured out a long time ago that danger looms in the darkness and even though most of us don't spend our nights in the wild anymore it would appear that that fear is here to stay.