Is Time Travel Possible??

Is Time Travel Possible??

forget everything you've learned about the flux capacitor gigawatt superheroes flying backwards around the earth or the TARDIS because today we're going to answer the age-old question it's time travel even possible let's find out on today's article of let's start with what you can't do there's a really good chance that we can't travel back to say the invention of the wheels not just because it's mean to steal a caveman invention but because experts believe that it's actually not physically possible to go backwards in time in very basic terms this is because we need a bridge between the past and the present in order to travel back in time like a wormhole a wormhole is a concept that Albert Einstein came up with back in the connects to distance Potsie

space scientists in the 1980s added to the theory by suggesting that wormholes might be able to use like a time machine even if that were true there are some pretty big problems with traveling back in time that way the main problem is that we don't know how to make wormholes yet and even if we did you'd only be able to travel back in time to the moment the wormhole was create and since cavemen probably shed more time on conservative Tigers than they did creating wormholes we probably won't be traveling back there any time soon because there's just no way to get there traveling into the danger on the other hand it's a much more likely possibility this is thanks to 1 Einstein's theoriescalled time dilation the physics of playful times can get pretty confusing but the basic idea is that time factors more slowly for a moving clock and it does for

plummeting still pretty cool but what does that mean for traveling into the future well imagine you got into a spaceship and flew super super fast in the galaxies the time moves were square woopsie Paul would have faster four people on earth and it was from you so by the time you return back to earth you would be in the future and they say science isn't cool .