Ryan's fall in the well... the whole story.
In the village of Agran, Tamrut region, northern Morocco, Tuesday, February 1, where Ryan was playing and fell into a well 32 meters deep to move the rescue.

After baby Ryan fell into the well, 45 centimeters in diameter, young people in the area tried to get down to the bottom to get it out, where images on social media showed several attempts to get down to the well, but it failed.
Local authorities hired steam tourism specialists but failed to get down to the well, owing to the well's diameter, which fell to about 35 centimeters in the last third.
After 100 hours of suffering, (Al Jazeera English) paramedics removed baby Ryan from the well where he had been stuck for five days, according to a statement from the Royal Moroccan Office.
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Hopes that he would emerge remained alive, but diminished over time, as rescue teams began a complex process of joining him since Wednesday, which faced several challenges, as local authorities have pointed out in recent days.
Ryan brought in an audience of citizens, who remained crowded around the theater, praying "God is only Ryan is God's love," at a terrible funeral under flashing lights.
The tragedy of the Moroccan child, who benefited from Arab sympathy and solidarity, in which calls for survival were mixed in grief and tears